
This is the page that will give you all the information you will ever need to know when visiting this website.

A Screenshot of gamrx.xyz before it was taken down.
A screenshot of gamrx.xyz.

Before gamrx.xyz was even thought of, I had already made a few HTML websites. These include the following; freestuff_lol; and treverhendersonwiki. Okay, fine, I had only made two, but does that matter, they where both tests anyway. But, yeah, these two websites where little github repositories I decided to make to test my knowledge on HTML and CSS and they where both very early in my coding journey (I also made a WIX site way, way before I even learn't to code and you can access it, here.)

Now I think that's enough about, for one day. If you have any ideas on what I could do to make this website better, let me know.

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