Age Ratings

Below is a list of all of the current age ratings, what they stand for and what kind of things they may contain. Feel free to use these ratings for personal use as long as it's for an indie game of yours.

Baby Age Rating
1+ Age Rating


Games with this rating will never cause any harm, even a single reference to anything under the lines of death, sex, or violence will put this game in a higher tier.

Toddler Age Rating
1+ Age Rating 6+ Age Rating


Games with this rating can contain small amounts of violence but not too much just enough for a small child to handle.

Child Age Rating
6+ Age Rating 9+ Age Rating 11+ Age Rating


Games with this rating may contain unrealistic blood (like pixels or a simple red circle) and more advanced violence.

Tween Age Rating
9+ Age Rating 11+ Age Rating 13+ Age Rating


Games with this rating are now allowed to contain realistic blood and unrealistic gore and may even contain life-threatening violence and dangerous acts (like drowning or being set on fire) but the physics aren't too realistic.

Teen Age Rating
11+ Age Rating 13+ Age Rating 16+ Age Rating


Games with this rating are now allowed to contain mega realistic blood and realistic gore and may even contain child-friendly scenes of sex (like a couple getting into a bed), life-like violence (like strangling and use of advanced weapons) and realistic character and environments.

Older Teen Age Rating
13+ Age Rating 16+ Age Rating 18+ Age Rating

Older Teen

Games with this rating are now allowed to contain absolutely anything as long as it doesn't contain 'proper' adult content.

Adult Age Rating
18+ Age Rating 22+ Age Rating Explicit Age Rating


Games with this rating are now able to contain absolutely anything from drugs to sex scenes so have fun with this rating.

There are tons more ratings like Joke, Elderly and Brainrot but I'm sure you'll be able to understand them from their icon and I'm only showing you the ones that will most likely be used by me on this website. Feel free to use these age ratings for your person projects. :) Download all icons.